Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Compounding and Clipping

Compounding is the word formation process in which two or more lexemes combine into a single new word. Compound words may be written as one word or as two words joined with a hyphen.

There are examples of the compounding:
·       noun-noun compound: note + book notebook
·       adjective-noun compound: blue + berry blueberry
·       verb-noun compound: work + room workroom
·       noun-verb compound: breast + feed breastfeed
·       verb-verb compound: stir + fry stir-fry
·       adjective-verb compound: high + light highlight
·       verb-preposition compound: break + up breakup
·       preposition-verb compound: out + run outrun
·       adjective-adjective compound: bitter + sweet bittersweet
·       preposition-preposition compound: in + to into

Compounds may be compositional, meaning that the meaning of the new word is determined by combining the meanings of the parts, or noncompositional, meaning that the meaning of the new word cannot be determined by combining the meanings of the parts.

For example, a blueberry is a berry that is blue. However, a breakup is not a relationship that was severed into pieces in an upward direction.

Compound nouns should not be confused with nouns modified by adjectives, verbs, and other nouns.

For example, the adjective black of the noun phrase black bird is different from the adjective black of the compound noun blackbird in that black of black bird functions as a noun phrase modifier while the black of blackbird is an inseparable part of the noun: a black bird also refers to any bird that is black in color while a blackbird is a specific type of bird.
Clipping is the word formation process in which a word is reduced or shortened without changing the meaning of the word. Clipping differs from back-formation in that the new word retains the meaning of the original word.
There are examples of clipping:
·       advertisement – ad
·       alligator – gator
·       examination – exam
·       gasoline – gas
·       gymnasium – gym
·       influenza – flu
·       laboratory – lab
·       mathematics – math
·       memorandum – memo
·       photograph – photo
·       public house – pub
·       raccoon – coon
·       reputation – rep
·       situation comedy – sitcom
·       telephone – phone
The four types of clipping are back clipping, fore-clipping, middle clipping, and complex clipping.
Back clipping is removing the end of a word as in gas from gasoline. Fore-clipping is removing the beginning of a word as in gator from alligator. Middle clipping is retaining only the middle of a word as in flu from influenza. Complex clipping is removing multiple parts from multiple words as in sitcom from situation comedy.


19 komentar:

  1. what's the differences between clipping and blending, as we know in examples "situation comedy" became sitcom, it's like blending, Thank you 4 ur answer.

  2. is there example of compounding adj+verb ?

  3. Nice blog sist...
    Can you tell us, does every words can to clip ? Or its just several words..

  4. can you tell me the reason why we should compound and clipping ?
    thank you

  5. how to using of coumpound and clipping ? can the using at all word or other ?
    please explain sist ?

  6. whether the examples that can be included as compounding and as an clipping? please explain. thank you.

  7. how to use clipping and coumpound in a some word and sentences ?
    please explain sist tq

  8. how to use clipping and coumpound in a some word and sentences ?
    please explain sist tq

  9. Can you give an example in the sentence?

  10. can you explain what the differences between compounding and acronymy ??

  11. what function clipping in our language, and are we can to clipping every words, give ur reason, tq

  12. can you summary in the complete about clipping and compounding?

  13. Whether the dependent clause with the same the clausa adverb ?

  14. How to distinguish compound noun with the adjective + noun and give me example ?? expalin pleasa !

  15. Why coumponding and clipping include in morphology and syntax

  16. your explain is very nice..

    why compouding and clipping is necessary to use the language?

  17. Your explanation is very nice and simple, easy to understand, but better if you give me an example of compounding in the literature?

  18. Can we compound all the word class?

  19. please give different and between compounding and blending
