Sabtu, 09 April 2016


Ambiguity is to be distinguished, one must rely on the basic concepts of traditional semantics: meaning, denotation, and connotation. Meaning is cognitive meaning, in the sense of Alston (1964, p. 74), or conceptual meaning, in the sense of Leech (1974, pp. 10-13). The denotation of an expression is the set of objects to which it truly applies; and the connotation of an expression is the property, or properties, possession of which by an object licenses the application of an expression to it. These are, of course, the concepts of connotation and denotation found in J. S. Mill (1843, Bk I, chap. 2). In traditional semantics, these three concepts are related as follows: the meaning of an expression fixes its connotation, and its connotation, in turn, fixes its denotation.
1.      An expression is ambiguous iff the expression has more than one meaning.
An example of an ambiguous expression is the word 'pike': it can mean a kind of fish, or it can mean a kind of weapon. Indeterminacy is quite a different concept. It was stated above that the meaning of an expression fixes its connotation. The connotation of an expression must be possessed by each object in its denotation. In this way, an expression determines that the object in its denotation possess certain properties, namely, the properties which are its connotation, and not possess certain others, namely, those incompatible with its connotation. It does not determine any other properties. It is with respect to these last properties that an expression is indeterminate.

2.        An expression is indeterminate iff there is some property which neither is included in the expression's connotation nor is a species of any property included in its connotation.
For example, the word 'square' is indeterminate, since its connotation does not include or exclude being any particular size; and the word 'mother' is indeterminate, since its connotation does not include or exclude being of any particular ethnic origin. In fact, every common noun is, presumably, indeterminate inasmuch as, for any common noun, there is undoubtedly some property which its connotation does not either include or exclude. Yet, it need not be the case that every common noun be ambiguous. Therefore, one concludes that indetermi- nacy and ambiguity are distinct. Generality is distinct from both indeterminacy and ambiguity, though it is frequently confused with the former.

3.        An expression is general iff the expression's connotation is a genus of more than one species.
For example:

metal: gold, copper, silver, iron, mercury,...
color: red, green, blue,...
tree: birch, oak, maple,...
parent: mother, father.

Generality and ambiguity are distinct: an expression may be general without being ambiguous and an expression may be ambiguous without being general. An expression may be ambiguous, that is, have only one meaning, though its one meaning fixes a connotation in which there is a genus of distinct species. Generality and indeterminacy are also distinct, since every common noun is indeterminate but not every common noun is general. Other definitions of generality have been suggested. Consider the one which can be found in articles by Roberts (1984, pp. 300-301) and by Margalit (1983, p. 132):

4.      An expression is general iff a meaning of the expression is disjunctive.
If the meaning of an expression on the basis of which it is general is formulated, then the meaning would have the form of a disjunction. So, the formulation of the meaning of 'metal' whereby it is general with respect to being gold, being silver, etc., would be in the form of a disjunction. But this definition affords little theoretical insight into generality, since, without any formalization of meaning, the concept of disjunctive meaning remains completely obscure.
Inspiration has long been observed that there are semantic relations which obtain between lexical entries in the lexicon of a language. Synonymy and antonymy are two such relations. Another is hyperonymy, or super- ordination. This relation is used to explicate the fact that the lexicon of a language reflects taxonomies of various kinds.

5.      A word is general with respect to another word iff the conno- tation of the former is a genus of the connotation of the latter.
Considering the examples in (3), one sees that the word 'parent' is general with respect to the word 'mother' and that the word 'tree' is general with respect to the word 'maple'. The inspiration for the definition in (4) is that a general expression can be paraphrased by an expression made up of a disjunction of expressions. So, for example, the word 'parent' can be paraphrased by the expression 'mother or father'. The assumption, then, is that the meaning of a general expression will reflect the disjunction of its para- phrase.
(E-book of Ambiguity, Generality, and Indeterminacy: tests and definitions - Brendan S. Gillon)
Ambiguity is a word, phrase, or statement which contains more than one meaning. Ambiguous words or statements lead to vagueness and confusion, and shape the basis for instances of unintentional humor. For instance, it is ambiguous to say “I rode a black horse in red pajamas,” because it may lead us to think the horse was wearing red pajamas. The sentence becomes clear when it is restructured “wearing red pajamas, I rode a black horse”. Similarly, same words with different meanings can cause ambiguity, for example “John took off his trousers by the bank”. It is funny if we confuse one meaning of “bank” which is a building, to another meaning, being “an edge of a river”.
Below are some common examples of ambiguity:
1.      A good life depends on a liver – Liver may be an organ or simply a living person.
2.      Foreigners are hunting dogs – It is unclear whether dogs were being hunted or foreigners are being spoken of as dogs.
3.      Each of us saw her duck – It is unclear whether the word “duck” refers to an action of ducking or a duck that is a bird.
4.      The passerby helps dog bite victim – Is the passerby helping a dog bite someone? Or is he helping a person bitten by a dog? It’s not clear
Although ambiguity is considered a flaw in writing, many writers use this technique to allow readers to understand their works in a variety of ways, there are ambiguity examples in literature:
1.      The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
“I ran all the way to the main gate, and then I waited a second till I got my breath. I have no wind, if you want to know the truth. I’a quite a heavy smoker, for one thing – that is, I used to be. They made me cut it out. Another thing, I grew six and half inches last year. That’s also how I practically got t.b. and came out here for all these goddam checkups and stuff. I’m pretty healthy though”.
The words “they” and “here” used by the speaker are ambiguous. But the readers are allowed to presume from the context that “they”might be proffesionals helping out Holden and “here” might be a rehabilitation centre.

2.      The Sick Rose by William Blake
“O Rose thou art sick.
The invisible worm,
That flies in the night
In the howling storm:
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy;
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy”.
Many of the words in the above lines show ambiguity. We can not say for sure what “crimson bed of joy” means: neither can we be exact about the interpretation of “dark secret love”. The ambiguous nature of such phrases allows readers to explore for deeper meanings of the poem.
Some of those who have analyzed this poem believe that “Has found out thy bed, Of crimson joy” refers to making love.

3.      Ode to a Grecian Urn by Keats
Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness”.
The use of wors “still” is ambiguous in nature. “Still” here may mean “an unmoving object” or it may be interpreted as “yet unchanged”.

Ambiguity in literature serves the purpose of lending a deeper meaning to a literary work. By introducting ambiguity in their works, writers give liberty to the readers to use their imagination to explore meanings. This active participation of the readers involves them in the prose or poetry they read.

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