Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Ruth Wodak

Error Analysis


1.       Verb Tense
A.      Error identification  : Grammar is one of language component
Error correction        : Grammar is one of language components
B.      Error identification : Tag question are used in conversation and are not used in formal English
Error correction        : Tag question is used in conversation and it is not used in formal English
C.      Error identification  : Randolph Qiurk and Sidney Greentown state that.....
Error correction        : Randolph Qiurk and Sidney Greentown states that.....
D.      Error identification  : Any andriyani (2012) conduct the research.....
Error correction        : Any andriyani (2012) conducts the research.....
E.       Error identification  : The researcher get
Error correction        : The researcher gets
F.       Error identification  : The students is
Error correction        : The students are
G.     Error identification  : Researcher will give 25 question
Error correction        : Researcher will give 25 questions
H.      Error identification  : The researcher gave 30 minute..... one correct answer got 5 point
Error correction        : The researcher gave 30 minutes..... one correct answer got 5 points
2.       Word Order
A.      Error identification  : Pertaining to the syllabus structure II at second semester course
Error correction        : Pertaining to the syllabus structure II course at second semester
B.      Error identification  : Knowledge of grammar is given in the course structure
Error correction        : Knowledge of grammar is given in the structure course
C.      Error identification  : Behaviour students’c
Error correction        : Students’ behaviour or Behaviour of the students
3.       Subject/Verb Agreement -
4.       Pronouns                            : -
5.       Spelling
A.      Error identification  : Students’ ability in appying question tag at thr second semester
Error correction        : Students’ ability in appying question tag at the second semester
B.      Error identification  : To ful fill the target
Error correction        : To fulfill the target
C.      Error identification  : The popupaltion
Error correction        : Tthe population
6.       Capitalization
A.      Error identification  : Mean of the score
: Number of the student
: The score of variance
: Number of cases-1
: The score
: The average of the score
: The score of standard deviation
Error correction        : Mean of the Score
: Number of the Student
: The Score of Variance
: Number of Cases-1
: The Score
: The Average of the Score
: The Score of Standard Deviation
7.       Prepositions                       : -
8.       Articles
A.      Error identification  : At second semester
Error correction        : At the second semester
B.      Error identification  : English Education Department FKIP Lancang Kuning University
Error correction        : English Education Department of FKIP Lancang Kuning University
C.      Error identification  : Researcher will give 25 question
Error correction        : The researcher will give 25 question
D.      Error identification  : Researcher will give 25 question try out the students
Error correction        : Researcher will give 25 question to try out the students
9.       Double negative               : -
10.   Sentence fragment         : -